Riverview Ranch & Resort


Add-On Activities

We hate to see families leave when their children want to stay longer. So we are offering add-on activities beginning in 2024.
Add-on activities are intended to allow Visitors to stay a little longer without the need for constant supervision by a wrangler.

What is an Add-On Activity?

An Add-On Activity is one that does not require the constant presence of a Wrangler allowing us to go about our daily chores while you and your family enjoy the scenery and our animals.
Guests already have full access to our facility so this only applies to ranch Visitors.

How does it Work?

Visitors who stay for the second hour have access to the campfire/picnic area and anywhere else a wrangler is able to keep an eye on them.
You will be able to pet the horses over the fence but will only be allowed into the enclosure if you are escorted by a wrangler.
If weather is poor we will make the lobby, indoor riding arena, and stall area available as needed.

What Else Can You Do At The Ranch?

We are flexible and are open to hearing your desires for things to do at the ranch. We don't always know what may interest you and it is hard to list everything on this website that you may want to see or do. Are you interested in riding on a big 1965 Farmall 706 tractor? Are you interested in seeing our hay loft? These are things we might be able to accommodate. So, if you are interested in something more than we offer online just let us know and we'll see what we can do.

List of Add-On Activities

Meal With The Herd

Photo Shoot
Photo Shoots can be conducted as a first hour experience at the full rate or during the second hour at the discounted rate.

Petting Zoo (Limited)

Help With The Daily Chores like washing horses
wash a horse

Cool Off With A Garden Hose and a Dacshund that loves playing in the spray

Campfire at sunset or anytime

Price for Add-On Activities

Price for these activities is 45% off the hourly rate for the first hour. Meals have additional fees associated.

Are there Boating Add-Ons?

If nobody else has booked the boats you may stay out on the river longer at the Add-On Activity discounted rate. You may want to go on a tour with Riverboat Roger in the morning and stay out on the river for a full day. Roger could drop you off at Beach Island and take a kayak back to the ranch, leaving you with the canoe all day. The second part of the day would be an add-on at the discounted rate.

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